Event History
Clover Hill Seeks More Staff
Structure fire on Rushville Rd
Mon. Nov 20th 2017
Clover Hill assisted Bridgewater with a structure fire on Rushville Road.
Construction begins on all-weather Landing Zone
Mon. Nov 9th, 2015
Members of Clover Hill Fire and Rescue stand by for Governor McAuliffe's visit to the Virginia Poultry Growers Cooperative
Wed. Jul 22nd 2015
Members participate in Technical Rescue training
Mon. Dec 9th, 2013
Three members traveled to Elkton last week to participate in technical rescue training. This training teaches rescuers how to utilize ropes, pulleys and other equipment to remove a victim from steep locations such as in the wilderness.
Paratech strut training at the station
Wed. May 22nd, 2013
Members practiced their skills with the Paratech struts that are carried on Engine 172. These help stabilize a vehicle that has been involved in a crash.
Tree fire on Tilghman Road
Structure Fire on Cambell Road
Sat. Apr 27th 2013
Engine 174 and Tanker 17 assisted Bridgewater Vol. Fire Co. with a residential structure fire on Cambell Road.