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- Clover Hill Receives $2500 grant @calls #news
- ~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Clover Hill Receives $2500 grant ====== **Fri. Mar 15th, 2013** Clover Hill Vol
- Snow causes slippery situation for our ambulance! @calls #news
- ~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Snow causes slippery situation for our ambulance! ====== **Mon. Mar 25th, 2013**
- Members patch the station lane @calls #news
- ~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Members patch the station lane ====== **Thu. Dec 5th, 2013** Members gathered t
- Members of Clover Hill Fire and Rescue stand by for Governor McAuliffe's visit to the Virginia Poultry Growers Cooperative @calls #news
- ~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Members of Clover Hill Fire and Rescue stand by for Governor McAuliffe's visit t
- Construction begins on all-weather Landing Zone @calls #news
- ==== Construction begins on all-weather Landing Zone ==== //Mon. Nov 9th, 2015// === About === Con
- Clover Hill Seeks More Staff @calls #news
- ==== Clover Hill Seeks More Staff ==== //Dec. 26, 2017// Requested second career staff for daytime