At the January 1981 meeting of the Clover Hill Ruritan Club, it was suggested that the Clover Hill Ruritan Club organize a Fire Department. It was decided that it should be pursued as a sub-station of the Bridgewater Fire Company
Robert L. Shiflet, President of the Ruritan Club contacted Bill Hisey, President of the Bridgewater Fire Company and a joint meeting was scheduled for March 2, 1981, the Bridgewater Fire Company was represented by Bill Hisey, Jerry Chandler, and Pete Huffman and they were receptive to the idea of starting a sub-station at Clover Hill and that they would take the idea to the Bridgewater Fire Company. It was decided at the joint meeting that the key to the success of this operation would be the availability of volunteers to train to be firefighters.
Bill Hisey notified the Ruritan Club on March 9, 1981, that the Bridgewater Fire Company approved the idea of establishing a sub-station of their Company at the Ruritan park provided the Ruritan Club would construct the building and recruit the volunteers.
On April 2, 1981, Bill Kyger, Vice President of the Bridgewater Rescue Squad contacted the Ruritan Club and said that the Rescue Squad was also interested in joining the Fire Company and Ruritan Club project.
On April 24, 1981, 24 members of the Clover Hill area became members of the Bridgewater Fire Company and began taking firefighter training.
The Ruritan Club at their May, 1981 meeting voted to approve the construction of a 40' x 68' building with a 14' ceiling to house the Fire Company and Rescue Squad equipment for a 15 year period rent free.
A ground breaking ceremony was held on June 15, 1981 and construction of the new fire and rescue station was started. The Ruritan Club sent out a fund drive appeal for funds from the community to build the new station.
The summer of 1981 was spent working on the construction of the new building. Robert L. Shiflet, President of the Ruritan Club served as coordinator of the project. No contract was issued for the building, instead most of the work was donated by community members and local contractors.
The final County inspection of the building was completed on October 16, 1981 and the first equipment was placed in service that day.
The Fire Company started out with one engine and one tanker and the Rescue Squad started out with one ambulance.
During the spring of 1984, the Fire Company and Rescue Squad asked the Ruritan Club to expand the Building to make room for more equipment. During the summer of 1984, Ernie Renalds headed up the building of a 40' x 48' addition.
The Fire Company then placed in service two engines, one tanker, and a brush truck while the Rescue Squad stationed two ambulances. The Rescue Squad moved to the west end of the building and the Fire Company moved to the east end of the building.
During the Spring and Summer of 1987, the members of the Clover Hill Fire sub-station decided to start the independent Clover Hill Volunteer Fire Company. A 10 year contract was negotiated with Bridgewater Fire Company to purchase all of their equipment that was stationed at Clover Hill and the Fire Company would have the opportunity to work the Bridgewater lawn party for 10 years to help make the payments.
On January 1, 1988, the Fire Company officially began operating as the Clover Hill Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.
During 1988, the Fire Company purchased a wrecked 1988 4×4 Dodge pickup with only 18 miles on it from the U.S. Forest Service to be used as an emergency medical first response vehicle. Massanutten Vo-tech repaired the vehicle which is now Squad 173.
In 1990, the Fire Company purchased a used Mack tractor from Dayton Transport, and converted it into Tanker 176. A new 1997 Emergency-One fire engine was placed in service on December 20, 1996. The new engine replaced the American LaFrance that was wrecked during Hurricane Fran. The Fire Company then purchased a 1973 Mack Fire Engine from Bridgewater Fire Company which was completely refurbished and placed in service July 11, 1997, which replaced a 1962 open cab American LaFrance Fire Engine.
On October 1, 1997 the Clover Hill Fire Company purchased and took over operation of the Clover Hill Rescue Squad.
The Clover Hill Ruritan added a new 28' x 40' training room and started the construction of a 40' x 38' addition to the bay area during December 1997.
The Clover Hill Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. provides protection for approximately 10% of Rockingham County's population and covers approximately 22% of the surface area of the County.